Change the Conversation

Thru the Bible: David Part 8 (David: A Lineage that Lives On)

Annie Perkins Ministries

In today’s conversation, we’re going to wrap up the story of David, but we’ll go backwards before we move forward in order to understand the desire David had to build the temple—a desire which he did not get to fulfill, or see fulfilled in his lifetime. However, we’ll see that although David did not get to accomplish this desire himself, he did have a role to play in its accomplishment. David was called to make the preparations for the next generation to build the temple, and we’ll talk about the importance of viewing our own lives through a broader, multi-generational lens. We’ll observe from David’s last words how the basis of life in God’s story still boils down to good vs. evil, and we’ll see that every one of our gifts matter in that story—the seemingly lesser ones having just as much value as the seemingly greater ones. And, we’ll see the beginning of the lineage which God ordained before the foundation of the earth to usher in our Savior. So, pull up a chair at our table, and let’s dive into the conversation.