Change the Conversation

Thru the Bible: David Part 7 (David and Bathsheba)

Annie Perkins Ministries Season 4 Episode 46

In today’s conversation, we’re going to take a bit of a sharp turn, as we fast-forward to a rather unexpected story in the life of David—the story of David and Bathsheba. We’ll face the reality that if we’re not careful, comfortability can breed complacency—and unchecked complacency can be a dangerous enemy. We’ll discuss why it is sometimes much easier for us to spot the sin in others than to see the plank of sin stuck in our own eye; and we’ll wonder, once again, at the faithfulness of God to chase us down in order to draw us back to Himself. We’ll ponder the necessity of heartfelt repentance, and we’ll be filled with overwhelming gratitude that God sent Jesus to pay the penalty for us—the One whose righteous blood fully covers our multitude of sins to wash us white as snow. So, pull up a chair at our table, and let’s dive into the conversation.