Change the Conversation

Thru the Bible: Joshua Part 3 (The Jordan River and the Fall of Jericho)

Annie Perkins Ministries Season 4 Episode 30

In today’s conversation we’ll be back in the Conquest era of the Bible as Joshua and the Israelites take their first steps into the promised land. We’ll see that there were two giant obstacles—a raging river and an impenetrable wall—between the Israelites and the first place God called them to go; and we’ll wonder at the truth that God often calls us to confront impossible obstacles along the path toward his will. We’ll study the miracles of the river and the wall and see how God calls the Israelites to take faith-filled steps of obedience before he performs the miracle—a pattern we’ll undoubtedly experience in our own lives as well. We’ll address the anomaly that God’s ways often seem foolish in the eyes of the world; and, once again, we’ll discover the undeniable faithfulness of the God we serve—to his promises, to his people, and to his redeemed. So, pull up a chair at our table, and let’s dive into the conversation.